Friday, April 17, 2009


You can be a Christian and deny the Resurecction Happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!

This is really stunning. This is why pluralism and divergence from some essential sound doctrines can be very harmful. Yes the bodily Resurrection is a essential sound doctrine. it's not like music, or women leading, or clapping.

"If the resurrection of Christ didn't literally happen, that shouldn't have any bearing on whether life now is worth living or how we live."

There is no point in living like a Christ devoted life, if the Resurrection did not happen.

Paul was adamant he had seen the risen Christ. The Gospel of John, 1,2,3 John all deal with the fact of the fleshly Lord being risen and to be aware of teachers that deny such. John especially refers to himself as an eyewitness. The Resurrection was not some hijacked ancient myth. Nor did the NT writers intend for ancient parallels.

What do you guys think?

Although I do agree that Christians should not torture.

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